The Absolute Python Programming Certification Bundle
391 Enrolled
3 Courses & 5 Hours
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What's Included

$20.00 Value
Introduction to Python Training
Webucator, Inc
139 Lessons (3h)

- Experience level required: Intermediate
- Access 139 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
- Length of time users can access this course: Lifetime
Course Curriculum
139 Lessons (3h)
- Your First Program
- SetupSetup for Your Class
- Lesson 1 - Python BasicsActivity 1 - Anaconda and Spyder - ReadingActivity 2 - Getting Started with Python - Presentation4:39Activity 3 - Running Python - ReadingActivity 4 - Make IDLE the Default Python Editor - ReadingActivity 5 - Hello, World! - ReadingActivity 6 - Hello World - ExerciseActivity 7 - Literals and Comments - ReadingActivity 8 - Data TypesActivity 9 - Exploring Types - ExerciseActivity 10 - Types Review - Presentation3:20Activity 11 - Variables - ReadingActivity 12 - A Simple Python Script - ExerciseActivity 13 - A Simple Python Script Review - Presentation6:08Activity 14 - Functions - Presentation7:41Activity 15 - Writing a Python Module - ReadingActivity 16 - The print() Function - ReadingActivity 17 - Collecting User Input - ReadingActivity 18 - Hello, You! - ExerciseActivity 19 - Hello, You! Review - Presentation5:08Activity 20 - Getting Help - ReadingActivity 21 - Python Basics - Quiz
- Lesson 2 - Functions and ModulesActivity 1 - Getting Started with Functions - Presentation12:15Activity 2 - Defining Functions and Variable Scope - ReadingActivity 3 - Global Variables - ReadingActivity 4 - Function Parameters - ReadingActivity 5 - A Function with Parameters - ExerciseActivity 6 - Parameters with Default Values - ExerciseActivity 7 - Review of Exercises - Presentation5:03Activity 8 - Returning Values - ReadingActivity 9 - Importing Modules - ReadingActivity 10 - Functions and Modules - Quiz
- Lesson 3 - MathActivity 1 - Getting Started with Python Math - Presentation5:21Activity 2 - Arithmetic Operators - ReadingActivity 3 - Floor and Modulus - ExerciseActivity 4 - Floor and Modulus Review - Presentation2:58Activity 5 - Assignment Operators - ReadingActivity 6 - Built-in Math Functions - ReadingActivity 7 - The math Module - ReadingActivity 8 - The random Module - ReadingActivity 9 - How Many Pizzas Do We Need_ - ExerciseActivity 10 - Pizza Review - Presentation9:42Activity 11 - Math - Quiz
- Lesson 4 - Python StringsActivity 1 - Getting Started with Python Strings - Presentation5:33Activity 2 - Quotation Marks and Special Characters - ReadingActivity 3 - String Indexing - ReadingActivity 4 - Indexing Strings - ExerciseActivity 5 - Indexing Strings Review - Presentation5:22Activity 6 - Slicing Strings - ReadingActivity 7 - Slicing Strings - ExerciseActivity 8 - Slicing Strings Review - Presentation3:03Activity 9 - Concatenation and Repetition - ReadingActivity 10 - Repetition - ExerciseActivity 11 - Repetition Review - Presentation3:36Activity 12 - Common String Methods - ReadingActivity 13 - String Formatting - ReadingActivity 14 - Playing with Formatting - ExerciseActivity 15 - Built-in String Functions - ReadingActivity 16 - Outputting Tab-delimited Text - ExerciseActivity 17 - Tab-delimited Text Review - Presentation10:41Activity 18 - Python Strings - Quiz
- Lesson 5 - Iterables_ Sequences, Dictionaries, and SetsActivity 1 - Getting Started with Iterables - Presentation6:36Activity 2 - Definitions - ReadingActivity 3 - Sequences_ Lists - ReadingActivity 4 - Remove and Return Random Element - ExerciseActivity 5 - Remove Random Element Review - Presentation3:09Activity 6 - Sequences_ Tuples - ReadingActivity 7 - Sequences_ Ranges - ReadingActivity 8 - Sequences_ Indexing - ReadingActivity 9 - Simple Rock, Paper, Scissors Game - ExerciseActivity 10 - Rock-paper-scissors Review - Presentation2:33Activity 11 - Sequences_ Slicing - ReadingActivity 12 - Slicing Sequences - ExerciseActivity 13 - Slicing Sequence Review - Presentation5:05Activity 14 - min(), max(), and sum() - ReadingActivity 15 - Sequences to Strings and Back Again - ReadingActivity 16 - Joining and Splitting Strings and Converting Sequence Types - Presentation2:56Activity 17 - Unpacking Sequences - ReadingActivity 18 - Dictionaries - ReadingActivity 19 - The len() Function - ReadingActivity 20 - Creating a Dictionary from User Input - ExerciseActivity 21 - Creating a Dictionary Review - Presentation6:29Activity 22 - Sets - ReadingActivity 23 - args and _ kwargs - ReadingActivity 24 - Iterables - Quiz
- Lesson 6 - Flow ControlActivity 1 - Getting Started with Flow Control - Presentation1:06Activity 2 - Conditional Statements - ReadingActivity 3 - Loops in Python - ReadingActivity 4 - All True and Any True - ExerciseActivity 5 - All True and Any True Review - Presentation4:13Activity 6 - Loops_ break and continue - ReadingActivity 7 - Word Guessing Game - ExerciseActivity 8 - Word Guessing Game Review - Presentation8:58Activity 9 - Loops_ The else Clause - ReadingActivity 10 - Find the Needle - ExerciseActivity 11 - Find the Needle Review - Presentation7:36Activity 12 - The enumerate() Function - ReadingActivity 13 - Generators - ReadingActivity 14 - Rolling Dice - ExerciseActivity 15 - Rolling Dice Review - Presentation7:05Activity 16 - List Comprehensions - ReadingActivity 17 - List Comprehension Review - Presentation2:52Activity 18 - Flow Control - Quiz
- Lesson 7 - File ProcessingActivity 1 - Opening Files - ReadingActivity 2 - Finding Text in a File - ExerciseActivity 3 - Finding Text Review - Presentation7:44Activity 4 - Writing to Files - ReadingActivity 5 - Writing to Files - ExerciseActivity 6 - Writing to Files Review - Presentation2:24Activity 7 - List Creator - ExerciseActivity 8 - List Creator Review - Presentation11:29Activity 9 - The os and os.path Modules - ReadingActivity 10 - os and os.path - Presentation4:33Activity 11 - File Processing - Quiz
- Lesson 8 - Exception HandlingActivity 1 - Getting Started with Exception Handling - Presentation2:43Activity 2 - Exception Handling Basics - ReadingActivity 3 - Wildcard except Clauses - ReadingActivity 4 - Getting Information on Exceptions - ReadingActivity 5 - Raising Exceptions - ExerciseActivity 6 - The else Clause - ReadingActivity 7 - The finally Clause - ReadingActivity 8 - Using Exceptions for Flow Control - ReadingActivity 9 - Running Sum - ExerciseActivity 10 - Running Sum Review - Presentation3:52Activity 11 - Raising Your Own Exceptions - ReadingActivity 12 - Exception Handling - Quiz
- Lesson 9 - Python Dates and TimesActivity 1 - Understanding Time - ReadingActivity 2 - The time Module - ReadingActivity 3 - The time Module - Presentation4:52Activity 4 - The datetime Module - ReadingActivity 5 - - Presentation3:15Activity 6 - datetime.time - Presentation1:48Activity 7 - datetime.datetime - Presentation2:04Activity 8 - datetime.timedelta - Presentation2:15Activity 9 - Report on Amtrak Departure Times - ExerciseActivity 10 - Dates and Times - Quiz
- Lesson 10 - Running Python Scripts from the Command LineActivity 1 - sys.argv - ReadingActivity 2 - sys.argv - Presentation3:38Activity 3 - sys.argv - Quiz
Introduction to Python Training
Webucator, IncWebucator Training
4.1/5 Instructor Rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
★ ★
Webucator is a global training company founded in 2003 that has trained over 60,000 students. It provides onsite and online training on technologies such as Microsoft ASP.NET, Microsoft Office, Azure, Windows, Java, Adobe, Python, SQL, JavaScript, Angular, and much more. Webucator has trained more than 63,677 students from over 11,907 organizations and is a Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions (CPLS).Description
Python is a popular, general-purpose programming language primarily used in web and app development, but it's also making huge strides in the realms of AI and machine learning. It's also versatile and user-friendly, making it a perfect pick for newcomers to learn. In this Python training course, students learn to program in Python. The course is aimed at students new to the language who may or may not have experience with other programming languages.
- Access 139 lectures & 3 hours of content 24/7
- Understand how Python works & its various applications
- Work with & manipulate strings in Python
- Perform math operations & work w/ Python sequences
- Learn flow control processing
Important Details
- Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
- Access options: web & mobile streaming
- Certification of completion included
- Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
- Updates included
- Experience level required: intermediate
- Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here
- Any device with basic specifications

$20.00 Value
Python Data Analysis with NumPy & Pandas
Webucator, Inc
41 Lessons (1h)

$20.00 Value
Advanced Python Training
Webucator, Inc
96 Lessons (1h)
- Unredeemed licenses can be returned for store credit within 30 days of purchase. Once your license is redeemed, all sales are final.
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